Renaud SAUZEDDE, also known as So.Z

It’s a constant need for adventure and artistic exploration that drives So.Z. After several years of gravitating within various artistic circles, ranging from designing exceptional electric guitars to immersing himself in the underground worlds of skateboarding, punk rock, and tattooing (with a Japanese graphic influence).

In 2020, during the first lockdown, So.Z created his first canvas artworks. It was there that a consuming creative rebirth overwhelmed the artist. His influences, spanning from North American urban culture (skate-surf art/street art) to the Art Nouveau movement, So.Z instinctively blends and appropriates all his passions and the well-cut stones of his past to construct and present highly unique personal creations.

So.Z enjoys expressing himself on various ever-changing mediums. The quest for sensations in the expression of his art is ever-present, whether in music, painting, tattooing, design… regardless of the tool, So.Z is a compulsive, optimistic creator.


19 Chemin de Preux
03700 Bellerive sur Allier

Artistes représentés


janu2024, janv2024