Behind the scenes of Galerie Montorgueil, there’s Jérôme. His journey began as a young adult, driven by the passion to discover the most beautiful artworks for his friends, and it ultimately led him to his calling as an art dealer.

Galerie Montorgueil is, above all, a vision – the vision of Jérôme when it comes to established artists, those of the past, as well as those who will shape the future. In direct contact with leading auction houses and artists, Jérôme carefully selects the finest pieces in the art market for you – the refined art enthusiast, the astute collector, the professional, or the individual.

Whether you’re seeking personal enjoyment, decoration, a gift, or an investment, explore the virtual halls of Galerie Montorgueil online. You can also reach out directly to Jérôme, who will provide you with personalized guidance and advice.


Adress: 91 rue Saint Honoré 75001 Paris

Phone: +33 6 95 49 88 99


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